Thursday 10 July 2008


OKay, okay! So I'm in the vintage mood! What can I say?
But there is something else I seem to be in the mood for - telling my secrets. What is it with me giving you all my secrets? Oh well, I guess a secret's no fun unless you spill it once in a while! Plus, I'm sure you'll enjoy using them ;) |(DOOO IT!).

Oooooooooh! the frame on this one!

ANYWAY! Back to the secret, see those bracelets over there? They are not for your arms. They're for your legs! Wear them over the boots, either at the very top (although the skirt will cover those.. so nevermind) or wear them at the bottom - that's where I always put them! They addd that little something to those otherwise just black boots.

Nooww... Here's another secret, that I think people should be more willing to do. Shop at flea markets, and second hand shops! Why not? Well, I'm totally into it, but I have an older sister and the rest of my family who are totally NOT! Even for inspiration, they're great places to go. My friend and I just went to a flea market the past week - it was like a lot of garage sales (yay!) and we bought a purse that was sooo old.. leather, and the nicest designs... but verry vintage (BUT ONLY 5 DOLLARS! can I get a takbeer and allahu akbar? haha). And no, you may not be comfortable with wearing things second hand - i stay away from clothing most of the time - it's the accessories that I'm in love with! There's just something about them! The nice old women who are selling them, or I think to myself the history of that one piece of jewlery - who has seen it? who complimented the old woman back in the day for it, and I cannot help but buy it! So like I said, if you're not into the clothing, wear all new vintage inspired clothing and wear real vintage accessories! I sew a lot so second hand clothing is cool and cheap for my experimenting. If you are into the clothing, buy that one of a kind cardigan and wear a new belt from forever21 (like the one above) and a new hijab!

The sunglasses don't have to be real vintage - you'll find vintage inspired ones everywhere. I bought sunglasses from the flea market, they're like old man sunglasses but I love them and my friend swore they looked good on me so alhamdulilah I bought them too!

Also, since I'm all into the no-wasting (as is reccomended in islam), here's an idea. You don't have to go to a second hand shop. I know you can do this on Earth day, but what about a ramadan party? Invite your friends for dinner and tell everyone to bring clothing they don't wear anymore - scarves, beads, tops, skirts, blah blah.. and trade off! Then, the remaining clothing, donate to a drive at your mosque, or even a church nearby if your masjid doesn't do it! Because, one hijabi's trash is another hijabi's treasure!

<3 Hijabi Fashionista

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