Friday 11 July 2008

Street Style: Model Inspired

So models are always looking good during fashion weeks - let alone most of the time, this outfit is one from a past season, where a model is just dressed for herself - not any designers or anything anyway. As much as I like the individualism of her outfit, it obviously isn't hijab friendly, so I'm taking her street style - and making it our own.

Stripes are nice but an overload aren't nice on the eyes, and horozontals can make a person look wider - so to break it up, wear a vest or a nice coat/jacket.

Really wide legs are all the rage - and the fashion gossip is that looks from the seventies will be back by fall - so really wide bell bottoms - buy 'em, wear 'em.

The striped things are not really sleeves although I am using them so - they are actually legwarmers- and although they are not hijabi friendly for our legs, they certainly are for our arms. They sell these everywhere -just check out a little girl's accessory store - like Claires or Ardenes.

<3 HijabiFashionista

wide leg pant:

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