Wednesday 9 July 2008

Lounging around the Campfire

Insha allah, this monday I will be off to a muslim girl's camp. I looove this camp - it's one of my fav times of the year! (sounds like christmas hahhahaheeeeeeeee) Muslim girls/ women of all ages attend and we discuss issues, islam, prepare skits with our cabins, swim, and basically have FUN! One of my fav times at camp is camp fires because you're sooo tired, it's past ten and you've been swimming for hours, you just had a snack and prayed il-isha, the warm fire just puts you into a trance. Ummmmm! It's all good and special until one sister starts bellowing out camp songs- ahahahaha! Please don't ruin tala3albadr, I loved the song! hehe
Sooooooooooo I wanted to pay tribute to camp with a little outfit.

Hijabifashionista tip:
If you're going for the I'm- too- tired -so- I'm -gonna- wear- sweats look, just keep in mind that you don't have to wear the boring gray sweat pants and some ugly (although very comfy) sweatshirt your team won playing soccer way back when. INSTEAD go out and buy a cute, comfortable hoodie - in bright colors, or fun patterns!

P.S. I'm not all about brand names, And I don't think that being fashionable means wearing brand names, I was just browsing for white sweats. IN fact, (and this is just me) brand names all over your outfit is just plain old trenndaaaaaaayyyyyyy. Which is okay too, if your into that!

<3 Hijabi Fashionista

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