Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Last post of the day: marriage talks break down after OPNO told to walk behind a man

I was about to get all feminist the other day during my marriage negotiations. I was about ready to burst out into the lyrics of a popular country music song that goes like this:

"I want a man that stands beside me!/ Not in front of or behind me!/ Two arms to hold me/ Not own me/ I want a man who stands beside me."

...Since well, I was told that I would have to walk behind my husband in certain places in his village.

I was righteously angry.

What kind of sick man thinks a woman needs to walk behind him?

I was about ready to break off the marriage right then and there.

He figured that out pretty quick and was like "NO! In some places we'll walk side by side. Its in the wadis and mountain Habibti." He laughed. "There's snakes. Men go first so women don't get bit."

Whose arguing with that now? I'm totally not. I'll let him do it with sharks too, if he wants to.

So shows you a valuable lesson about marriage I suppose. Let the man finish his sentance before divorcing him. Or un-fiancing yourself.

And for those of you who missed Steve's posts and transportation in Oman cartoons he started a new blog up about Life in Singapore so enjoy http://www.103degreeseast.com/.

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