Saturday 28 June 2008

For the sister with the short, Chocolate brown dress!

So just today I got a comment asking me how to wear a chocolate brown knee length dress, and I got so excited about this question that I had to answer back with a full post the same day!
Here are 3 ways to wear that dress:
1) This fresh new idea by ME, the hijabifashionista
I'm pretty proud of this idea and was waiting for just the right moment to unleash it to the world on this blog! Thanks sister for providing me with that moment:

So basically I took it that the problem with the dress is that it's too short and doesn't abide by the hijabi dress code -- the hijabifashionista dress code, makes it work for the hijabi dress code. What you do, is buy a skirt that matches the dress atleast somewhat, and wear it under the dress so it looks like a two tiered dress, and you look fabulous! Voila! It's like magic hehe.. but this is 100% halal.
After that, I just made it more hijabi friendly with a chic cardigan and coordinating hijab!

2) Dress it down, and wear it tunic style.

When I say tunic style, I mean with pants under. Regularly (as in non hijabi fashion), tunic style refers to it having leggings underneath it, but considering leggings alone are a no-no, we wear wide legs (which are much cooler, so 'dun worry bout it!' hehe). I saw the silver in the dress, pulled out the cutest silver cardigan i could find, and put them together.
Hijabifashionista tip: Just because the cardigan is short sleeved doesn't mean you can't wear it, you just wear a long sleeve top or sleeves underneath!

3) Accessorize that baby up!
Accessorizing is a lesson I think all hijabifashionistas should know. This means, necklaces, bangles, long sleeve tops, rings, heels, flats (footwear), and so on and so on. That's another lesson, for another time ;) (hey did anyone watch "max the cat" when they were younger? If you did, you'd get the joke haha, if you didn't .., just smile and nod hehe)
If you don't know what colors go with that chocolate brown, I created a diagram-ish thingy showing you which do. The colors are represented with the heels (forget the style of the heel in this diagram - Color was the focussss :D)

This whole post was for you, anon sister - I hope you read it haha :D
But I'm sure anyone who read this learned a thing or two, because this post isn't just for that chocolate brown dress, but it goes for any knee lengthed dress.
If you have ANY questions like this one (or any other for that matter) just post a comment and ask, I love hearing from you, and I love answering your questions!!
<3 Hijabi Fashionista

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