Saturday 20 September 2008

Dress a mannequin for a hijabi fall!

Yay for a new way for me to convey hijabifashion to you readers! I love mannequins and I would love to dress them! haha, I know it sounds silly and a bit creepy, but seriously. Who dresses the mannequins at stores? I would sure like to know!

So along with the deep reds that I love and that I discussed in my previous post - I'm loving the blue from the royal rainbow.

The mannequin was dressed in gray skinny jeans and studded boots. I'm thinking, alright... that's like an under-exaggerated kate moss - just baggier and higher boots- I'm thinking we up it a little on the chic factor and go with an ankle boot which I LOVE for fall. A gray trouser would work much better. All the fashionista's wear trousers ,... jeans are either going to get hella looser, or left out all together.

Her coat is nice, and if you have something like it in your closet, you can spice it up a bit with a thin belt like the one in the outfit I created.

HijabiFashionista tip for fall:
If you're confused on what blues to buy or what colors to go for at all - you don't HAVE to memorize the royal rainbow, but remember this; they're all berry colors.

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